Concept Art for Adventure Game Eversee - WIP

I’m building a fantasy world that focuses on the qualities of light. The player will spend time learning lore of a world where lighting lamps and extinguishing flames creates magic. The game will grey the idea of light always being a force for ‘good’ and darkness always ‘bad’. It will contain magic staffs, moving statues, light and dark spells, with various quests focused on undoing ancient magic that has set a world on edge. I.e., a country poisoned by unending light by a power-hungry, ever watchful queen. In other cases, foul darkness burns in the heard of an ancient castle. The player is tasked with setting different worlds right and acquiring the tools they need to become a powerful magician.

Concept Art for a Cave Boss

A student project - we were to design a cave boss that appears in a video game, set in the late middle ages/early 15th century Romania. The creature known as ‘Rothgar’ appears in cave, within the mysterious, dangerous Hoia Bacu forest. It lives in the dark, among power-enhancing crystals and surrounded by bones of previous fallen who dared to enter the cave. From that prompt forward, we were given full reign to design the creature and some environmental concepts. My personal inspiration came from Romanian folk tales: ogres, giants, and the original inspiration for Dracula, Voivode Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler! I also included: the playable character as Romania’s folkloric hero, Făt-Frumos, who repeatedly features in myths and fairytales, along with some sketches of the cave entrance, and a beginning sketch of another mythical folk heroine, possibly Ileana Cosanzeana, though she is still in progress.

Pitch Bible for ‘Every Good Boy Does Fine’: Children’s PC Game

My pitch for a point-and-click adventure game, geared towards very young children. In this version, the teacher (or ‘Maestro’) is a benevolent figure who helps two children as they try to pass their final exam. Filled with magic, imagination, and learning very simple musical concepts, kids (and adults) will get to explore various musically-inspired worlds, each of which will be a part of their larger exam. They can also call on mentors to help them out of a jam. Overall, this is the lightest, friendliest version of the EGBDF concept.

Pitch Bible for ‘Every Good Boy Does Fine’: Age 15+ PC Game

My pitch for a point-and-click adventure game, geared towards teens and up. In this version of the story, the teacher (or ‘Maestro’) is a bit more demanding and mysterious and his student is a teen girl, hoping to pass her final exam. She is a brilliant student, but the Maestro expects a lot out of her. Part of the test involves exploring the school and collecting clues from the ‘Maestro’. This has a slightly darker tone, as it is a mystery/puzzle game, but it remains colorful and exploratory and overall, the teacher-student dynamic is one of growth and mentorship.

Pitch Bible for ‘Every Good Boy Does Fine’: Age 15+ Experimental Animation

My initial concept for a dark, experimental animation, geared towards (somewhat) edgy teens and up. Overall, this is the darkest of the three styles of the EGBDF story, and the teacher-student relationship is now stretched to the breaking point. The student is brilliant and talented, but she could very well fail due to the machinations of the Maestro, perhaps jealous of his students’ growth. Think Whiplash meets Shine meets dark fairytales, where the heroine must pass a test with the odds stacked against her, and the rules always changing! Notice the stark pallet: blacks and whites with pops of color highlight the action and make things feel more dangerous and oppressive.

Concept Art for ‘Lost in Lisbon’ Series.

I researched Lisbon, Portugal and created concepts based on a short story we were given: two children hear an ice cream truck and chase it, eventually getting lost in the city. We were to manipulate the light and colors to create different moods. I chose 2 concepts: one a pied-piper-esque, dreamy sort of sequence, where the children are transfixed by the music and start to see ice cream cones wherever they go. I used Lisbon’s statuary as inspiration, now holding ice cream cones that light up at dusk. The second is more straightforward: the moment they realize they are lost, and not sure which way to get back home.

Pitch Bible for ‘The Waterbearer’: a point-and-click adventure game. Age 10+

The Waterbearer is a murder mystery that deals with magic, fantastical technology, and the history of a mysterious temple. It is inspired by a blend of advanced ancient cultures: the golden ages of Persia, Greece, Rome, and mythical cities, like Atlantis. The game features three playable characters: the Waterbearer, the Priestess, and the temple cat. It is a choice-based adventure, and choices have consequences. The player must balancing performing necessary duties and uncovering a murder. There are time jumps, dream sequences, and cat naps; all of which will lead the player through an exhilarating mystery. I’m hoping to add in additional character designs of the mysterious, rarely-seen Priests, a few townsfolk, and other locations within the temple and the outer city.